Raz Rant

Friday, August 12, 2005


I recently got an 80 gigabyte TiVo Series2 digital video recorder for recording television programs. I definitely like fast-forwarding through all the commercials, and it is great to watch the shows when you want to. It is also convenient to use the "season pass" feature to record the entire series of a program (rather than recording each episode individually). Furthermore, I like leaving the TiVo on a channel, say CNN, for about 20-30 minutes. Then, I rewind, watch the news, and fast-forward through the commercials and the stories I may not be interested in. In addition, I've used the WishList feature that uses actor or director names to find programs that contain these people, and then you can record them. I have on my WishList the directors Alfred Hitchcock and Akira Kurosawa. So, I like the WishList feature too. So far, I've recorded the BBC News, CNN, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Nova, and Battlestar Galactica. A relative of mine has recommended I try CSI. So, I am going to record that too. I am really more of a reader than a TV addict, but there are some shows worth watching, aren't there?

Can you think of a program worth recording? If so, you can make a suggestion in the comments section.


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