Raz Rant

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Back from the Bay Area

I'm back from the Bay Area, and the trip went well. The Monterey Aquarium was fantastic—especially the jellyfish tanks. The jellyfish are nature as art. Of course, I spent some time in SF neighborhoods: North Beach, Marina, Sunset, Ocean Beach, and downtown. I went to some of the major tourist attractions: Coit Tower, Pier 39, Ferry Building, Embarcadero, Ghirardelli, Golden Gate Park, Cable Car Museum, and Palace of Fine Arts. As for museums, I went to the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, and I saw the excellent Tibet exhibition. I also went to the California Academy of Sciences, temporarily located on Howard St., for a chocolate exhibit, and I viewed the aquarium fish and reptiles there. In addition, I spent some time in the East Bay area: Berkeley and Rockridge. I took the elevator to the top of The Campanile at UC Berkeley, and I had a terrific view of the region. I visited my friends, had a good time and sampled some great eateries. It was definitely a worthwhile trip.

I'll be posting some photos that I took of the Bay Area soon—possibly this weekend.


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